Sunday, December 26, 2010

Starting at the Middle

Welcome to my new blog, dedicated to my two special pumpkins: two lovable female greyhounds named Uma and Britta. These are my babies, my kids, and my life. There's a stereotype that exists about "the cat lady", a single woman who lives with a bunch of cats. I hope I'm not the "dog" version of that, but to be honest, so what if I am? I'm proud of my babies. I love my babies. It's not like I'm a dog hoarder. I just love greyhounds. So this blog is devoted to them, and all the things that make them special.

So I guess the first question is, why greyhounds? All I can say is when I was a teenager, we found our first greyhound wandering around the neighborhood. A local business said they had already called Animal Control, and here was this big beautiful dog just needing a home. So we opened the car door and she just walked right in, sat on the backseat, and fell fast asleep. That was almost 20 years ago, and now I can't imagine my life without a greyhound in it.

So, why does this blog start at the middle? Because Uma and Britta are middle aged dogs, and I did not just adopt them. I've had them for a few years now, so I'm not their new mom, and they are not puppies. It's the middle of the middle for all of us, and I intend to make the most of it, even if they have no idea what intentions are.

Like children, my girls are spoiled. It's the day after Christmas, and they've gotten new squeeky toys. They've squeeked themselves silly. Squeeked themselves tired. Britta has replaced her baby, her orange squeeky monkey, with a new one, and I can't figure out what it's supposed to be except that it's blue. Uma played with her new hedgehog for about 5 minutes before she lost it to Britta. Infact, Britta has stockpiled all the dog toys. A new year is upon us. New toys are upon them. I'm not normally someone who really gets in the holiday spirit, but for the first time this holiday, I am looking forward to the new year!

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